
Πληροφορίες σχετικά με την εγγραφή και την καταβολή της συνδρομής των συνέδρων με ιδιότητα μέλους ελληνικών ΑΕΙ (μέλη ΔΕΠ, ΕΔΙΠ, ΕΕΠ), εκπαιδευτικών και φοιτητές όλων των βαθμίδων (προπτυχιακοί, μεταπτυχιακοί και υποψηφίοι διδάκτορες).

Registration Fees:

Early-Early Bird - 180€ until 15/04/2024
Early Bird - 220€ until 10/05/2024

Full registration - 280€ after 11/05/2024
Local teachers/educators - 120€
Local students (all levels) - 60€

Registration deadline for accepted submissions is 07/07/2024.
After this date, presentations will not be included in the program.

Registrations are subject to 24% VAT charges. In case of any change in tax policy, applicable VAT charges will be readjusted accordingly.

If your registration is covered by a university and/or an educational institute, VAT is deductible.
Kindly register and state the university and/or educational institute, as well as their full fiscal details, in order to issue the proper invoice statement.

*A Proof of Status is required for the reduced rate of this registration category (Local Teachers/ Educators, Local students).

Registration fees include the following:

  • 3-day conference sessions, including opening/closing events.
  • Access to all performances organized by WAAE 2024 Athens Summit within and beyond the conference venue and after conference hours.
  • Inclusion of extended abstract in Digital Proceedings with ISBN.
  • Conference materials, name badge, printed programme, bag.
  • Coffee/Tea and refreshments across the 3 days.
  • Α full lunch for 3 euro/person (with vegan choice) is available at the School of Philosophy restaurant (access with name badge).
  • Dinner/Drinks on the 17th and 18th October & Wine-Cheese reception on the 19th October
  • Bus transfer from/to Central Athens (Evaggelismos metro Station)

For local educators:
Local educators (teachers in public and private schools in Greece and Cyprus) prove their status either with a copy of their last payslip or with a signed certificate from their school (with an advanced digital signature) by the Principal.

For local students:
Local students prove their status with a signed letter by the secretariat of the academic institution.

Once the online pre-registrations for the Waae Athens Summit are closed, participants still wishing to register under this category will need to hand their proof of status printed at the Registration Desk onsite, to benefit from the reduced fee.

* Για την τεκμηρίωση της ιδιότητάς σας:

1. Οι εκπαιδευτικοί (σε δημόσια και ιδιωτικά σχολεία της Ελλάδας και της Κύπρου) τεκμηριώνουν την ιδιότητά τους είτε με αντίγραφο της τελευταίας μισθοδοσίας τους είτε με ενυπόγραφη βεβαίωση του σχολείου όπου υπηρετούν (με προηγμένη ψηφιακή υπογραφή).

2. Οι φοιτητές όλων των κατηγοριών (προπτυχιακοί, μεταπτυχιακοί,
διδακτορικοί) των Ελληνικών ΑΕΙ τεκμηριώνουν την ιδιότητά τους με Βεβαίωση σφραγισμένη και υπογεγραμμένη από την Γραμματεία της Σχολής, του ΑΕΙ.

Στην περίπτωση που γίνει η εγγραφή σας στη γραμματεία κατά τις ημέρες του συνεδρίου, οι συμμετέχοντες που ανήκουν στις δύο παραπάνω κατηγορίες θα πρέπει να έχουν μαζί τους τα παραπάνω τεκμήρια εκτυπωμένα προκειμένου να επωφεληθούν από τις μειωμένες τιμές.

Registration terms:

All Waae Athens Summit Fees are calculated in Euros. Participants from countries where currency restrictions prevent them from sending registration fees in advance are asked to inform the Organizing Secretariat to avoid being charged the late registration fee.

Terms of payment for registration fees
All payments should be made in Euros without charges for the beneficiary.
Please note that late registration fees will apply for any payments received after the stated deadlines.
Confirmations of registrations and invoices for the relevant charges will only be sent after receipt of the appropriate fees.

Methods of Payment
All payments are to be made in Euro (EUR). Bank charges are to be settled by the payee. Confirmation of services and payment invoices will be sent after receipt of the appropriate fees by e-mail to the address advised for communication.

  • By credit card
    Online payments by credit card will be processed through the Waae Athens Summit’s online services system. Upon completion of payment, the online system will redirect you to a confirmation of services and respective payments page; you are kindly advised to print or save a copy, as this will be your official confirmation voucher regarding the aforementioned Waae Athens Summit.
  • By bank transfer
    Online bookings by bank transfer can be processed through the Waae Athens Summit’s online services system. After selecting the services of your choice, please tick the appropriate box (payment “by bank transfer”) in the payments section. The online system will then redirect you to a confirmation of services page; you are kindly advised to print or save a copy, which will serve as your booking order regarding the aforementioned Waae Athens Summit. After receipt of payment of the appropriate fees, you will receive official confirmation of the services booked for the Summit in the email address advised for communication.

Bank Details: Alpha Bank SA

BANK ACCOUNT: 1250 0232 0003 851
IBAN: GR 49 0140 1250 1250 0232 0003 851

Important Note: Your bookings will be valid for seven (7) days after completion of the online order.
Payment by bank transfer is to be completed within this time frame for final confirmation of your bookings.


A full refund of the registration may be requested until 7 September 2024. Regrettably, no refund is possible after this date.


Who should register for the WAAE Summit?
  • All attendees of the WAAE Summit (whether presenting or not) must complete their registration.
  • Individuals with accepted submissions who intend to attend the conference must complete their registration by 15 June 2024.
  • First authors of submissions MUST attend the conference and MUST complete their registraion by 15 June 2024.
  • 2nd, 3rd etc. authors who will not attend the conference will not pay registration fees.
  • All participants of an accepted PANEL Discussion submission MUST attend and complete their registration by 15 June 2024.
I am a teacher/educator. How do I complete the fields ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL TITLE and AFFILIATE INSTITUTION?

You can write your professional title (teacher οr educator) in the field ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL TITLE and then the school's name where you currently work in the field AFFILIATE INSTITUTION.

I am a local student (BA, MA, PHD). How will I prove my student status (φοιτητική ιδιότητα)?

As a local student (studying in a Greek higher education institution) you are required to upload together with your registration a proof of student status.
This can either be confirmation letter from the Secretary of your Department (βεβαίωση από Γραμματεία) or a scan of your current student ID card (φοιτητική ταυτότητα σε ισχύ).

I am a local teacher. How will I prove my teacher status?

As a local teacher you are required to upload together with your registration a proof of teacher status.
This can be a confirmation letter from the Head of your School (βεβαίωση από τον Διευθυντή του σχολείου).

If you have questions regarding the submission process, please e-mail the Waae Athens Summit 2024 secretariat info@waaeathenssummit2024.com

+ (123) 1800-567-8990
Feel free to ask any industrial or engineering questions over the phone.
Contact Details:
 23rd St, San Francisco, United States

The city of San Francisco is 47 square miles of innovation – an incubator for new ways to solve old problems, a living laboratory for environmental and economic sustainability. As old as the Declaration of Independence, San Francisco is a blueprint for the future. It remains today the world’s leading breeding ground for game-changing ideas and amazing technologies that reimagine the way we live and communicate, and preserve the best aspects of our world. A pioneer in the recycling movement, it continues as a national leader in the full spectrum of local sustainability practices.

How to get there

Event Hall In San Francisco

3rd St, San Francisco, CA
+ (123) 1800-567-8990

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Conference in June

Scholars will stay in
a San Francisco,
D.C., area hotel.

Reserve a hotel

By Underground

The Jubilee Line and the
DLR are the quickest routes
to Mann San Francisco.

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